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Incentive Program

The Stock Option Program 2022/2025

At the Annual General Meeting held on May 4, 2022 a decision was made, in accordance with a proposal by the Board of Directors, to establish a long-term, share based, incentive program, the "Stock Option Program 2022/2025. 

The program is targeted at all INVISIO group employees and compromise a combined maximum of 700,000 warrants.

Based on the current number of outstanding shares, the maximum dilution resulting from the Stock Option Program 2022/2025 will be approx. 1.5 per cent of outstanding shares and votes, provided that all Stock Options are exercised to acquire new shares in INVISIO.

Allotment occurred on 6 May 2022.

The Stock Option Program 2023/2026

At the Annual General Meeting held on May 4, 2023 a decision was made, in accordance with a proposal by the Board of Directors, to establish a long-term, share based, incentive program, the "Stock Option Program 2023/2026".

The program is targeted at all INVISIO group employees and compromise a combined maximum of 800,000 warrants.

Based on the current number of outstanding shares, the maximum dilution resulting from the Stock Option Program 2023/2026 will be approx. 1.8 per cent of outstanding shares and votes, provided that all Stock Options are exercised to acquire new shares in INVISIO.

Allotment occured in May 2023.

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