RA250 Handset

Low-profile handset compatible with combat helmets

The low-profile RA250 Slimline Handset family has a wide variety of variants suitable for a variety of communication applications; provides clear communications in demanding environments; works with low-cut helmets; and offers versatile microphone, earphone, and control options.

The material selection and robust military design solidly assures your clear communication every time. The slimline, ergonomic design places the RA250 ideally for use within both the battlefield and command-room environments.

Configurable across multiple communication devices and applications, its flexible design achieves military standards for operations, reliability and electromagnetic compatibility. Low maintenance and rugged design that reduces whole-life costs.

Side-mounted push-to-talk (PTT) and slim earpiece housing ensure easy and comfortable use.

The downlead is factory configured and terminated into the required connector with pinout and audio levels to match the attached equipment. 

ADVISORY: RA250 is designed and engineered to meet special customer agreed requirements, not certified to CE or RoHS compliant. 

Image 15
Low-profile RA250 Slimline Handset compatible with combat helmets, offers versatile microphone, earphone and control options.
Downlead and connector
Straight and coiled cable options with communications connector configured for specific system requirements.
Multiple microphones to match your communication system needs.
Image 15
Image 15
Low-profile RA250 Slimline Handset compatible with combat helmets, offers versatile microphone, earphone and control options.
Downlead and connector
Straight and coiled cable options with communications connector configured for specific system requirements.
Multiple microphones to match your communication system needs.
RA250 FAQ (1)
RA250 Handset FAQ
Invisio Communication System Headset Ptt
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