INVISIO personal, mounted and intercom systems are based on simplicity, modularity and flexibility to fit the communication needs of professionals in defense and law enforcement. The personal system includes headsets, control units, and cables complemented by a range of accessories.
Cutting-edge technology that provides crystal clear communication for reduced risk and mission success.
Market-leading and certified hearing protection to prevent hearing damage in high or constant noise environments.
Digital signal processing and ergonomically designed headsets to provide the most natural hearing possible.
Modular and cost-effective systems where equipment can be used across different scenarios and individual needs.
INVISIO IntelliCable® enables INVISIO equipment to be interchangeable and to integrate to other comms devices
The INVISIO Intercom System enables inter-group comms and bridges the gap between personal- and in-vehicle comms.
Bridging the gap between mounted and dismounted scenarios.
INVISIO personal equipment, mounted systems and intercom systems are based on simplicity, modularity and flexibility to fit the communication needs of both the mounted and dismounted professional, regardless of operational requirements.